Tuesday 14 February 2012

Oh wow........

Horror Date!

....was what I thought when I heard the following stories. I work on the Radio and had people 
e-mail me some of their date stories.

I expected them to be embarrassing at most but when Alex email in his story I realised that there was a whole other side to it: 

"I wanted to pick up the girl from home being a gentleman. This wouldn't have been a problem if the dad hadn't expected me outside the house with a shotgun. Needless to say that this day did not go well, the fear was just overwhelming." - I cannot even find a snappy comment for this, I am just speechless. I guess this redefines 'protective father' completely.

Andrew (thanks to all the male participation) email me:

"The first date I went on with my current girlfriend gave both of us food poisoning. Surprisingly she still wanted to see me again" -  obviously Andrew has other strong points going for him. I wonder whether he cooked himself or if it was a restaurants fault!

This made me giggle a lot: 

"I was seeing this guy. After a night out he came back to mine. We were both quite drunk but still enjoyed the company. At some point he disappeared to go to the bathroom. After a while I got suspicious because he just did not come back. Suddenly someone screamed upstairs. It was my housemate and she had been woken up by my (by now entirely naked) friend who had taken the wrong turn on the way back and passed out on her bed. I am still not sure how he could miss my room and walk upstairs but it was hilarious. He never talked about it, I am not even sure if he can remember but my housemate and I laugh about it from time to time" - Even though it was no date, still a brilliant story!


  1. This blog is hilarious and so easy to read! I could spend hours reading about disastrous dates and the way you write makes it even funnier. Hope to hear more funny dates soon! x

  2. Love this idea! The more dates you get the more followers you are bound to receive. As you are getting a lot of male interest maybe make the title of your blog more universal or simply 'Dish the Dirt'. Cant wait to read more :)

  3. Haha, this is a great idea for a blog! Very original and with a comic flair!
