Saturday 31 March 2012

Marketing your blog - a step by step introduction

Everyone who also writes a blog knows the feeling: you have put a lot of work and thought into every post and really want to reach people and do well but your page-visitor-statistic stays completely stagnant. You are not getting the word out there and people just don't read what you have to say. Well that is sad but you can do something about it: Market your blog and get people on board. Here is a short step-by-step on how to become a successful blogger:

How to write a successful blog
picture from

The blog itself:

1. Make sure your blog is structured and has a topic that runs through all your blog – posts about random things that pop into your head do not attract nor keep readers. A blog is like a magazine – the reader is interested in a topic and wants to read about it on a regular basis. I am sure the reader of ‘How to cook’ would not appreciate a step-by-step-guide on how to fix an old-timer car.

2. The design needs to be appealing but toned down. Everything that hurts the reader in the eye when looking at will lead to losing readers not gaining them! Make sure the navigation through your posts and your profile is simple and easy to do as well!


1. Make it available to be found through search engines, especially Google. Over 50% of all hits on a website will come via Google!

2. Make it clear what your blog is about so it comes up first when the topic is searched on Google. A clear and explanatory title can help finding it easier! Also make sure you write headlines that tell you about the story right away – Google cannot detect puns, jokes or riddles. It might be funny to have a cryptic headline but it won’t get you any hits!

3. Tag your posts with key words and add alt texts to your photos – then the blog also comes up when only those keywords are searched online!

4. Link other websites in your blog! Google rates your blog higher automatically the more interconnected you are with other websites.

5. Stay up to date. No further explanation necessary!

6. Subscribe to other blogs and leave comments – always also leave a link to your own blog!

7. Why not print little business cards and leave them out in Pubs, Coffee shops or other shops – depending on your blog topic. People might pick up one of the cards and start reading and spreading your blog! Also at a University there are many spaces where you could put up a little advert – for example the toilet cubical doors, people tend to read that they see on there!

8. Social network sides. Facebook, Twitter and Google+, get sharing, liking and spreading the word about your work!

If you are looking to writing a blog about disastrous dates in particular I would also suggest asking people directly for their stories and experiences. Normally they will come back to your blog because they want to read about themselves! Always illustrate your posts with pictures and videos and try and engage your reader. The longer they spend on your website the more likely they are to subscribe an come back!

Blog on Blogging about how to Blog

Blog on how to support your company with your blog

Finally the most important: KEEP BLOGGING. No one will read posts from 2009. SO just keep going, even if it picks up slowly the readers will come and the blog will pick up if you follow the guidelines.

Some more tips and tricks about how to blog successfully on YouTube (it is also helpful to read the video comments for more advise!)

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